Borntrager Dairy

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What Should Cows Be Eating?

Hi there!😎

With lots of people trying to understand what grass-fed means & why we at Borntrager Dairy produce grass-fed meats & dairy versus grain-fed, I decided to tackle this question in a blog post.

So here goes!😍

What should Cows be Eating??πŸ„πŸ§


YES!! πŸ™Œ

Cows were created to eat grasses in lush pastures, just like the buffalo!  During the cold months, they eat dried grass (hay).

Sadly, most cows hardly see a green pasture in their life much less eat its beneficial grasses.

These days, conventional farms are feeding their cows GMO corn & soybean ration + by-products (such as candy & chocolate). 

Why Chocolate? 🍫To cut costs.  

What does that mean??

 Well, in a nutshell... cows are eating anything and everything they were NOT created for.


Simple. So that conventional farms can stay in business.πŸ’²

What does that do to the cow?? 

Studies show dairy cows only survive 1-2 lactations (3-4years) before farmers have to cull them. 

A high-grain diet can cause physical problems for cud-chewing animals such as cattle and dairy cows. πŸ˜₯

Here are a couple of differences between grass-fed & grain-fed.

You see, years ago we were feeding grain to our cows… we’ve noticed the vet bills go way down & our time spent with sick animals is very minimal!πŸ™Œ

Grain-fed Cows

When they are on grain & other by-products they often get a number of physical disorders. 

To prevent serious illnesses the feedlots will often give them continuous low-dose antibiotics in their ration.

When antibiotics are overused, bacteria becomes resistant to the medication; thus not working.πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Hmmm... No wonder humans are becoming immune to antibiotics... if our food sources (milk & beef) come from cows on antibiotics all the time.

 Grass-fed Cows

On the other hand, grass-fed cows are allowed to forage on pasture; their native diet. They live low-stress lives and happily chew their cud.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎThese farmers aka "grass farmers" don't feed hormones or growth additives to their cows. Cows will self-medicate if they have a sufficient variety of grasses to forage on!!

Just grass.

Thus resulting in a healthier cow. 

And a healthy cow means healthy meat &/or milk for you the consumer. πŸ₯›πŸ₯©

Remember your meat is just as healthy as the animal that produced it.  

After all, we too, are just as healthy as the food WE eat! 

The downside to grass-fed…

It takes quite a bit more time.😏

Raising grass-fed beef is an art and a science... the "grass-farmers" need to have healthy soils to raise optimal grasses in order to have tender and excellent products!πŸ˜‹

A lot of time and attention is taken in order to raise a healthy & sustainable product.

It takes quite a bit longer to raise a completely grass-fed beef versus a grain-fed or grain-finished beef.

And then you throw in the year 2020, & you have a hard time finding processing dates! 😜

Grass-fed Meats are Cost-effective. Yep, tis true!πŸ’ƒ

Grass-fed appears to cost more initially... 

But the real question is: What is the real cost of cheap food??

How many healthcare costs could be eliminated if we would eat healthy, nutrient-dense food?🧐

Please note: All supermarket beef products are raised in confinement feedlots, do not let the labeling blindsight you. 

  • Grain-fed is often subsidized by the government so that producers can keep operating. 

  • Most often the workers are underpaid.  Working conditions are less than ideal.

  • The manure often causes environmental issues & eventually contaminates water sources.

  • And of course, the ever-rising health care costs because of unhealthy animals… 

Initially, Grain-fed appears to be cheaper. 

Often I hear how grass-fed meats fill your tummies so much sooner.

In fact, it takes less meat per meal, so when you are buying a roast please realize, it will feed more people than your supermarket counterpart.

Remember, we are only as healthy as the food we eat!!πŸ˜‰

And if we eat nutrient-dense food our bodies too, will self-medicate.πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

Just like the cows who are allowed to eat their native grasses.  πŸŒΎπŸ„

" What do I do now that I know this?? "

  • Most Important!  Get to know YOUR farmer!πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎ

  • Support your local small farms. 

  •  Find out how and where your food is raised. 

  • Ask lots of questions! 


Where do I find grass-fed products?? πŸ§

  Here at Borntrager Dairy, we are committed to raising grass-fed meats & dairy products. πŸ₯›πŸ§€πŸ₯©

We believe our family's health depends on us making wise choices with the food we eat. 

Thus, we raise our grass-fed meats & dairy for our own health as well as for yours!😍

Next time you eat a steak or a juicy hamburger... πŸ₯©πŸ”

Will you know how it was raised??πŸ˜‹


Happy Eating!


P.S. Please share with any friends who are interested in grass-fed meats!