Real Milk for Vibrant Health.
Feel good about the milk you serve!
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How can my child have so many allergies??
You do everything possible to put good, healthy food in front of your child but... he still has a rash.
The doctor decides your little boy is lactose intolerant.
What?! But he LOVES milk!!
And… milk is suppose to be healthy, right??!
How do I know this?
I have heard this scenario many times!
I’m guessing you already know that food from the store is not optimal & life-giving.
Milk products from the store are produced on a diet that causes all kinds of trouble in your body.
And the processing before bottling often kills the little nutrition that was there.
We believe you’ll be able to hugely improve your health by changing to a traditional diet.
And drinking “Real Milk”.
Milk, free from additives & raised from healthy animals!
We switched to drinking grass-fed raw milk several years ago & have healed our family from constipation, diaper rash, & more!!
Dozens of our customers have success stories as well!
These stories motivate us to keep providing nutrient dense “Real Milk”!!
We’ve been managers of Borntrager Dairy for almost 20 years now & feel blessed to be a part of hundreds of peoples’ journey to better health!
We would love to have you join our community!
Farming for you!
-Arlene Borntrager
I'd love to meet you!
text me (Arlene) at 620-615-2259
or email me at info@borntragerdairy.
See you soon!
New to Raw Milk?? Let me help!!
Get all your questions answered in our FREE Raw Milk Guide!!
Enter your email to receive your FREE GUIDE, along with farm updates, tutorials, inspiration, recipes and more!