Most Common Questions about our Farming Practices

  1. Do you use GMOs, antibiotics, vaccines, hormones, insecticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers? 

    We do not use any GMOs, routine antibiotics, vaccines, hormones, insecticides, or synthetic fertilizers on our farm. We believe in working with nature, not against it. We take a holistic view of everything.

    We believe when we take care of the soil and the animals (insects, worms, birds, cattle, etc.), they in turn produce the healthiest and yummiest food for us. 

  2. What are your Raw Milk practices?

    Our delicious raw milk is cooled down in a bulk tank right after harvesting. We then bottle it for the store shelf. When used for cheeses & yogurts, it’s heated to 105 degrees to activate the cultures which create the flavor.

    All of our dairy products are raw… all of the enzymes are still intact.

    Never pasteurized; always life-giving.

  3. Do you ever feed any grain to cattle?

    No, we do not feed any grain to our cattle. 100% grass fed and grass finished. In the winter we supplement with organic hay and organic barley sprouts.

  4. What grains do you feed your pigs and poultry?

    Our pigs and poultry are fed a non-gmo, organic ration. Barley, peas, milo, oats, wheat. We also feed them whey from our cheesemaking.

  5. At what age, weight, and level of finish are your cattle harvested? 

    Our beef is harvested between 24 & 30 months. They are around 850-900 lbs. when we get them processed.

  6. How do you manage quality assurance of your feed and other products you purchase in the production and maintenance of your animals and land? 

    Most of our feed is produced by farmers we know personally. If not, they send us papers of organic certification and/or nutrition analysis.

  7. What is your guarantee?

    We guarantee our products are done to the best of our ability. 

  8. What policies and procedures do you use to ensure animal welfare?

    We treat our animals well. We care for our animals knowing they take care of us as well.

  9. What makes your farm a good place for your employees to work?  

    We work hard to provide a space of open communication & transparency. We truly want our employees to thrive in their positions.

  10. What are you doing to restore or improve your environment to what it was before it was farmed? 

    We complete the circle as much as possible. All the manure is composted with wood chips and then spread out onto our fields to aid in soil fertility. We use animals to create better pastures. We’ve brought in bees to help with plant fertility. We keep the soil covered to avoid erosion. We bring people to the farm to help create a life-giving farm in as many ways as we possibly can.