Happy Fall!!
Fall has arrived! & with it cooler weather... and leaves to rake...😃
and like most moms, I'm researching more about healthy foods to help get us through the winter months!
Watch for more emails with healthy recipes in the near future! We are trying a few new things!!
As I research I come across this word quite often...
Have you ever wondered what makes a superfood a SUPERfood??😎
I have.
I've read superfoods are loaded with vitamins & minerals, have prebiotics & probiotics, loaded with antioxidants, etc...
ok, but what makes a food have ALL that??
Here on the farm, we believe it starts by having the food produced in its natural environment.
Also, if a food has all that good stuff in such a form that your body can use it to produce energy, have optimal health, & overall wellbeing, + give you peace of mind in that you are feeding your family well....
and the food doesn't negatively affect your health...
Would that be a SUPERfood??
I believe so!
So recently, I came to this conclusion...
When your body can utilize every bit of a food and the food is in its natural state... you have a SUPERfood!!
And I believe we ALL need SUPERfoods to function well!!
Loyd showing & explaining our fodder system to a recent tour group.
On a different note:
Did you know cows need superfoods too??
During the growing season, our cows have access to lush green pastures, a SUPERfood for them as they utilize every bit they eat.
Which by the way... they turn into SUPERfoods for us ...aka dairy & beef products!!🧀🥩
But... as we all know... autumn is upon us and while we still give our cows access to fresh pastures every day,
we can't ask them to produce the same product when they don't have the energized green grass of the growing season.
What do we do to still provide YOU with superfoods through the winter months??
As in... barley sprouts (fodder)... our cows' winter SUPERfood!
Yes, Loyd sprouts barley seeds in water & lets them grow for 7 days and then mixes the sprouts in with the hay.
Grain gives energy but cows stomachs' can't digest grains as their health will be negatively affected.
By sprouting our grain, the cows benefit from the energy that the fodder produces, which in turn gives us dairy & beef products even when the pastures are dormant.
The cows love their winter SUPERfood, often picking the sprouts out first!! 😋 (yes, even cows are picky!!)
A few weeks ago, Loyd renovated our fodder room & started up our winter sprouting system.
We are excited to be able to offer you SUPERfoods loaded with all the nutrients & enzymes through the winter months!
Now it's your turn!!😉
How have our products helped you??
What do you like about our products?
What would you like to see/read more of??
What can we improve on?
Please let us know by commenting below!!
Thanks for your support!
If it weren't for ya'll we couldn't do what we love; providing SUPERfoods for YOU... our wonderful friends! 😍
Enjoy your SUPERfoods!!