Are you tired ALL the time?😴
Can't seem to keep your thoughts together??
Or have you been driving to the store & can't remember what you needed there??🤔
I've been there!😏
Have you just passed it off as "Mom Brain"??
Or... "Maybe it's because I am getting older??"
We all say things to ourselves to make it 'right' in our heads... at least I do!
In the past year, I've been researching 'Healthy' fats.
And I've come to the conclusion the food we eat can drastically improve our 'brain health' ...and thus improve my overall health!!
I've heard & read lots about probiotics & gut health but brain health??
Hmmm... this sounds interesting!!
Did you know healthy fats contribute to healthy brain cells??!
“ Raw butter is heart food, fertility food, nursing mum food, baby food, brain food, auto-immunity food, heavy metal chelating food, skin food, and digestive food.
It is live food, and a critical part of natural therapy in curing damage from heavy metal poisoning, antibiotics, and other toxic substances in our environment. ”
It is now a proven fact that depriving our brain of healthy fats will cause tiredness, brain fog, & memory loss!!
Here is an excerpt from the Weston Price Foundation's website, the article titled 'Why Butter is Better' by SALLY FALLON AND MARY G. ENIG, PhD
Yes, it’s a lengthy read and I had planned on writing it in my words but it's just soo good the way it's written, I decided to leave it this way!
So many great things about raw, grass-fed butter…
Butter is better for your brain!
Yes, butter provides the brain with the nutrients it needs:
Cholesterol: The highest concentration of cholesterol occurs in the brain, where it plays an especially important role in memory formation. Seniors with the highest cholesterol levels have the best memory function. Cholesterol also plays a major role in regulating serotonin levels in the brain – low cholesterol levels are associated with depression, anti-social behavior and even suicide.
Saturated Fats: The brain contains high levels of saturated fats, both in the cell membranes and in the mitochondria. Saturated fats are stable and don’t create damage in the brain like poly-unsaturated fats do.
Arachidonic Acid: Eleven percent of your brain is composed of arachidonic acid (AA), a type of omega-6 fatty acids found exclusively in animal fats like butter. A supply of AA is critical to neurological development in the infant.
Vitamin A plays a key role in vision and all sensory perception. Butter is an excellent source of vitamin A.
Vitamin D is critical to neurological function and protection against depression. Butter provides vitamin D.
Vitamin K supports neurological function and learning. Butter provides vitamin K.
DHA is an omega-3 fatty acids especially concentrated in the brain. Seafood is a good source, but butter provides it also.
Choline is critical for the formation of glial cells. Butter is an excellent source.
Butter substitutes like margarine and spreads do not supply these critical nutrients (although many brands have vitamins A and D added); in addition, these industrial products contain rancid oils that can really damage your brain and interfere with learning ability in growing children.
Many factors in butter ensure optimal growth of children. Chief among them is vitamin A. Individuals who have been deprived of sufficient vitamin A during gestation tend to have narrow faces and skeletal structure, small palates and crowded teeth.
Extreme vitamin A deprivation results in blindness, skeletal problems and other birth defects.
Individuals receiving optimal vitamin A from the time of conception have broad handsome faces, strong straight teeth, and excellent bone structure.
Vitamin A also plays an important role in the development of the sex characteristics. Calves fed butter substitutes sicken and die before reaching maturity.
The X factor, discovered by Dr. Weston Price (and now believed to be vitamin K2), is also essential for optimum growth. It is only present in butterfat from cows on green pasture.
Cholesterol found in butterfat plays an important role in the development of the brain and nervous system.
Mother’s milk is high in cholesterol and contains over 50 percent of its calories as butterfat. Low-fat diets have been linked to failure to thrive in children–yet low-fat diets are often recommended for youngsters! Children need the many factors in butter and other animal fats for optimal development.
Isn’t butter amazing?!! I feel we’ve been left out of the loop for a long time!😯
Some more interesting facts on Vitamin A…
Dr. Weston Price found that neither protein, minerals, nor water-soluble vitamins can be utilized by the body without vitamin A from animal sources.
Why is Vitamin A important??
Acts as an antioxidant; protects the body from cancer
Stimulates protein digestion
Helps in building strong bones & faces that have plenty of room for the teeth
Produces rich blood
Ample protection against stress
Where do we get Vitamin A??
The yellow butter of the spring from grass-fed cows
Egg yolks of pastured eggs
Organ meats from grass-fed animals
Fruits & vegetables