Thrilled to offer 1/8 beef bundles! Shop Now.

"I never want to run out of your meat. I feel so much better since eating this beef. No more stomach upset or irritability." -Sarah

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Infertility? Done trying ALL the things? Raw, Grass-fed Milk to the Rescue.

“Have you seen our ‘milk miracle baby’?!” asked Sara earlier this week in the farm store.

I grinned as I spied an adorable chubby-cheeked, blue-eyed beauty looking at me from under the blankets. What an answer to prayer!

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of life!

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Not sure how to cook Steaks and other Beef Cuts in your 1/8 beef bundle?

Not sure what to do with the steaks & roasts in your 1/8 beef bundle?

I got you covered!

Try these mouth-watering recipes!

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No Dinner Ideas? Every busy Mom needs these 5+ Ground Beef Recipes!

It’s 5:00 & everyone is expecting you to have dinner on the table in the next hour.

And if you’re honest with yourself, you’d rather do anything but go make dinner… but because you are a good mom who feeds her children, you scroll Instagram hoping for a great dinner idea.

Instead of ideas, you get side-tracked and 30 minutes later, you realize you still haven’t thawed meat.

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Wichita Delivery Spots Open Now

Everything about the way the delivery service is set up is so efficient and easy to use.

I really cannot express how much this has increased the quality of my life!” ~Dani

Want to increase your quality of life? You can!

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Eeeek!! After 10 years, I can have Dairy AGAIN! Read this Amazing Story!

A sweet lady drove an hour to try our raw milk. She had read my post about raw milk helping those affected by lactose intolerance.

She hadn’t had dairy or dairy products in 10 years because of her strong reaction towards dairy.

She was brave & decided to try it.🥛😋

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Homemade Ice Cream Recipe! So Yummy and Creamy!

Your ice cream is the best!

I try to stop with just a cup per evening, but last night I kept taking 'one more bite' and before I knew it the whole quart was almost gone!

I tell everyone I know about your ice cream! -Andy; Borntrager Dairy Customer

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Delivery to your door?!! Yes! Wichita-area!

Have you ever had the thought, “How awesome it would be to have raw milk & cheese delivered to my door”?? 🚗💨
Yes! We will deliver fresh milk to your door every Tuesday morning for the next 12 weeks!

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Improving Your Children’s Lives with Raw Milk

“My infant son has been on the Weston Price Raw Milk Formula & is thriving after having stomach issues on store-bought formula. Thank You so much for your raw milk! It means so much to my family!” — Heather; Borntrager Dairy Customer

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6 Great Ways to Boost your Immune System!

May I suggest that a healthy immune system is our best defense…😍💃

Be sure to include lots of probiotics into your daily diet. Need suggestions?

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Why it makes Sense to Budget Grass-fed Products

Ladies, we make most of the food choices for our families… let’s make wise buying choices, remember we are raising generations after us… + we want to be around for our grandchildren! We want to be able to run & play with them!

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Why are grass-fed foods more expensive?? Part 1

Trying to figure out why grass-fed foods are more expensive & not sure if they're worth it or if you can fit the extra cost into your budget??

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Want to wow your man with dinner?? Try these scrumptious Pork Chops!!

How can I get an amazing meal on the table to show my man how much I appreciate him?? 

Ladies, watch the video & I’ll show you how I do it!!💃

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Guilt-free cheesecake!!! Yes, Please!!

Well, I knew there must be a way to reinvent cheesecake...
because using grass fed dairy would mean I’d be doing my body a service by eating cheesecake! And I wouldn’t feel guilty eating it...😜 

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Healthy Eating. Where do I start? Listen in!!

As I researched & read & researched some more, I was very overwhelmed with all the info, all the different choices… + add all the time & work of trying to Find healthy foods that I was comfortable feeding my children!!

It’s a hard place to be & yet it’s easier than it ever has been to research & find ‘real’ foods!!

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Suffering from Eczema??  This might be your answer!!

Here’s what one of our customers says:

We love your delicious products! We’ve noticed my 10 yr. old son’s terrible eczema has been subsiding & is almost completely healed!! So AMAZING!!


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