Eeeek!! After 10 years, I can have Dairy AGAIN! Read this Amazing Story!

A sweet lady drove an hour to try our raw milk. She had read my post about raw milk helping those affected by lactose intolerance.

She hadn’t had dairy or dairy products in 10 years because of her strong reaction towards dairy.

She was brave & decided to try it.🥛😋

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5+ Reasons Children Should Drink Raw Milk

“Is raw milk safe for my children? This is a question, I’m often asked...😍

...and is dear to my heart!❤️

...cause after all, we are raising our own family!👧🏻👦🏻👶🏻

And I have a passion for children (yours included!) to live to their fullest!💃

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Why it makes Sense to Budget Grass-fed Products

Ladies, we make most of the food choices for our families… let’s make wise buying choices, remember we are raising generations after us… + we want to be around for our grandchildren! We want to be able to run & play with them!

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Healthy Eating. Where do I start? Listen in!!

As I researched & read & researched some more, I was very overwhelmed with all the info, all the different choices… + add all the time & work of trying to Find healthy foods that I was comfortable feeding my children!!

It’s a hard place to be & yet it’s easier than it ever has been to research & find ‘real’ foods!!

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Benefits of Grass-Fed Raw Milk

Do you like milk with your cookies??

  • “Yes, but it irritates my tummy.”

  • “Yes, but it gives me a rash.”

  • “Yes, but my Dr. says I’m lactose intolerant.”

If any of these answers sounds like your experience with milk; please keep reading!!

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