Arlene’s Guilt-free Cheesecake with strawberries & blueberries.
Hi there!
Hungry for cheesecake anyone??🍰😋
At my house, that would be an obvious YES!!😍
Keep reading for the recipe & more great info!
Cheesecake… remember that stuff which is supposedly loaded with unhealthy fats??… the stuff that is sooo delicious but you hardly dare eat any for fear it will all stick to places you have forbidden it to go…😏🤔
Folks!! Let me tell you something!! Remember how I’ve been telling you how grass fed dairy fats are actually REALLY, REALLY great for you… think brain health, heart health, gut health!!!
For more info read here.
Well, I knew there must be a way to reinvent cheesecake... because using grass fed dairy would mean I’d be doing my body a service by eating cheesecake! And I wouldn’t feel guilty eating it...😜
This is where it gets exciting!!💃 Loyd (my husband) encouraged us to use greek yogurt in place of cream cheese & see what happens…
So Melissa & I tried it out… And… with a few adjustments...It Worked!!! Greek yogurt to the rescue!
Now we have cheesecake without the guilt!! 🍰😋 AND you can too!!
Even better… By eating it, you are actually feeding your brain, heart, & gut!! How awesome is that?!
Yay! for cheesecake!!
Here’s the recipe we used!
Arlene's Guilt-Free Cheesecake
So creamy & yummy!! .... AND healthy!!😋
3 Tbsp. Borntrager Dairy butter, softened
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup Borntrager Dairy honey
3 Tbsp flour
1 cup Borntrager Dairy plain Greek yogurt
2 pints Borntrager Dairy honey & vanilla Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp. vanilla
4 Borntrager Dairy pastured eggs
Fresh fruits of your choice
Mix crumbs & butter; press into a 9" spring form cheesecake pan.
Bake at 325° for 10 min.
Mix honey, flour, greek yogurts, & vanilla until blended.
Add eggs, one a a time, mixing on low just until blended.
Pour over crust.
Bake at 325° for 90 min. or till center is set.
Cool, before removing pan.
Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.