Fussy Baby? Let me Help. Yogurt to the Rescue!

“I love your Greek yogurt!” my friend, Lynette exclaimed.

“I love what it’s doing for my body but even more importantly what it does for my breastfed baby! Whenever I eat your yogurt, his bowels do so much better. No more constipation. And he’s much more content.”

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Delivery to your door?!! Yes! Wichita-area!

Have you ever had the thought, “How awesome it would be to have raw milk & cheese delivered to my door”?? 🚗💨
Yes! We will deliver fresh milk to your door every Tuesday morning for the next 12 weeks!

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6 Great Ways to Boost your Immune System!

May I suggest that a healthy immune system is our best defense…😍💃

Be sure to include lots of probiotics into your daily diet. Need suggestions?

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3 Sweet Treats for your Loved Ones

Are you in the baking mood?? Today, I want to share 3 FREE recipes of our favorite healthy treats!

Chocolate Chip Cookies, Raspberry Tarts, Cream Cheese Brownies

And guess what?! No sugar!!!!

Ya know, just because we know sugar is bad for us, doesn’t mean we can’t have baked goodies!😋

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Guilt-free cheesecake!!! Yes, Please!!

Well, I knew there must be a way to reinvent cheesecake...
because using grass fed dairy would mean I’d be doing my body a service by eating cheesecake! And I wouldn’t feel guilty eating it...😜 

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