Heard all the benefits and still a little scared of Raw Milk?

“I’m scared of raw milk,” my farm store friend confided.

“I’ve read all the benefits and I’m still fearful.”

If this is you, you are in the right place. Many, many moms start out scared. 

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Pecan-Crusted Chicken Thighs with a Mouthwatering Sauce! A Family Fav!

It is very, very simple.

If you’re new to cooking, try this recipe! Your family will be so impressed.

And you’ll feel fulfilled, knowing you were able to feed your family a yummy & creamy, plus healthy! chicken dinner.

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How do we have Fresh, Grass fed Milk in Winter? A Peek Behind the Scenes..

In the winter, the pasture grasses are dormant & no longer produce the energy dairy cows need to produce fresh milk every day.🌾

We realized if we want to have fresh milk even in the winter months, we will have to somehow produce 'green energy' to keep the cows in optimal condition.

And that's where this awesomeness comes in.

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How to Make Delicious Yogurt in your very own Kitchen!

Wanting to make Yogurt at home?

Not sure where to start?🧐

Let me Help!

Here’s the recipe I used for many years in my own kitchen.

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Heart Attack Testimony! REAL Milk for the Win!

"My Dr. said I would have damage to my heart. Up to 20% of my heart could be damaged.”💔

“Yesterday, we got the results back of the heart cath.”

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4 Ground Pork Recipes! Simple & Tasty!

Looking for sausages you can feel good about serving?

Almost all sausages have ingredients in them we don’t want our children to eat. What can a mama do? Here are 4 simple recipes I use all the time with ground pork.

Try them and let me know what you think.

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Try this Heavenly Mushroom Sauce over Pork Chops for your Father's Day Meal!

We’ve recently started making this mouthwatering mushroom sauce for our steaks, chicken breasts, and pork chops.

My husband literally drools… actually, we all do.

Yes, it is that good. 🤤

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Vaccine-Free Beef Is Essential. Get Our Exclusive Bundle Today.

"Do you give mRNA vaccines to your beef?"

These days this is a regular question in my email inbox.

The answer is No.

Our meat is Vaccine-Free.

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Fussy Baby? Let me Help. Yogurt to the Rescue!

“I love your Greek yogurt!” my friend, Lynette exclaimed.

“I love what it’s doing for my body but even more importantly what it does for my breastfed baby! Whenever I eat your yogurt, his bowels do so much better. No more constipation. And he’s much more content.”

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Bits & Pieces of our Journey in 2023

It’s that time of the year when the mistress of this house sits down with pen and paper and writes of all the wonderful happenings and the ‘not so exciting’ happenings of the previous year…

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Guilt-Free, Deep Dark Chocolate Birthday Cake

Celebrating birthdays just isn’t the same if you don’t have a birthday cake…but You know the boughten cakes are filled with all kinds of junk.. 

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Bone health issues? Raw Milk for the Win!

He told me, “I drank lots and lots of your milk while in St. Louis. I told everyone at therapy they need grassfed, raw milk in their diets.” 

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Thrilled to offer 1/8 beef bundles! Shop Now.

"I never want to run out of your meat. I feel so much better since eating this beef. No more stomach upset or irritability." -Sarah

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Do You like Leftovers?! Tips on How To Use Leftover Easter Ham.

Now, I don’t mind eating leftovers,

I just don’t like finding a container to put them in & getting them into the fridge!


I want to be done right after we eat!

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Infertility? Done trying ALL the things? Raw, Grass-fed Milk to the Rescue.

“Have you seen our ‘milk miracle baby’?!” asked Sara earlier this week in the farm store.

I grinned as I spied an adorable chubby-cheeked, blue-eyed beauty looking at me from under the blankets. What an answer to prayer!

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of life!

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Get Our 4 Favorite Sausage Recipes for Free!

“What is your favorite meal of the day?” a friend asked my husband.


I eagerly waited for the answer. 


I’m always looking for ways to make my husband’s day better.  😍

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Not sure how to cook Steaks and other Beef Cuts in your 1/8 beef bundle?

Not sure what to do with the steaks & roasts in your 1/8 beef bundle?

I got you covered!

Try these mouth-watering recipes!

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No Dinner Ideas? Every busy Mom needs these 5+ Ground Beef Recipes!

It’s 5:00 & everyone is expecting you to have dinner on the table in the next hour.

And if you’re honest with yourself, you’d rather do anything but go make dinner… but because you are a good mom who feeds her children, you scroll Instagram hoping for a great dinner idea.

Instead of ideas, you get side-tracked and 30 minutes later, you realize you still haven’t thawed meat.

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The Highs & Lows of 2022...

2022... where did you go? 😊

What a year. In many ways our family farm changed this last year.

I wrote a lot about it on my newest blog... the letter I wrote to my family & friends with our Christmas cards..

I decided to put it on the blog for our wonderful friends from the farm store, because it truly is about all of you as well.

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