How do we have Fresh, Grass fed Milk in Winter? A Peek Behind the Scenes..


"The milk is sweeter. What changed?”

I get asked this quite a bit this time of year. 🥰

Short answer: “Winter feeding has Begun.”

Long Answer…

Have you wondered how we are able to produce 100% grass-fed milk... even in winter?

I've had the question come up recently & thought I'd share a bit "behind the scenes".

During the spring & summer months when the grasses in our pastures are growing faster than our cows can eat all of it, we bale the grasses into round bales to be fed during the colder winter months.

This is a great way for us to feed our cows but there's something about eating green grass fresh in the pastures that produces energy for dairy cows to produce milk.

In the winter, the pasture grasses are dormant & no longer produce the energy dairy cows need to produce fresh milk every day.

We realized if we want to have fresh milk even in the winter months, we will have to somehow produce 'green energy' to keep the cows in optimal condition.

And that's where this awesomeness comes in.


I think the cows secretly smile when they start getting this treat in the fall.  

They absolutely love it & are known to fight over it. 😃

Fodder? What is it?

Sprouted barley seeds.

We seed it & water it. And watch it grow.

On the 8th day, we harvest it & chop it up with hay and the cows excitedly chomp away.

Thus we can have our amazing FRESH unprocessed milk, even in winter.

Yes, it’s a lot of work.

We believe the work is worth it tho, we love having fresh milk all winter.

Have you had your 'Fresh' milk today? 

Be sure to shop at our farm store.

And for your convenience, we have Dairy Delivery Routes.
Recently, we added a few more towns.

Click here to get on our delivery route and see if your town is on the list.

Many mamas are delighted to have their milk brought to their front door.

"Love, love, love Tuesdays because of your delivery service! Thank you! -Lindsay

Click here to get on our route.

-Arlene 💕

Our cows enjoying their breakfast buffet, aka organic hay mixed with fresh barley sprouts.