Heard all the benefits and still a little scared of Raw Milk?

“I’m scared of raw milk,” my farm store friend confided.

“I’ve read all the benefits and I’m still fearful.”

If this is you, you are in the right place. Many, many moms start out scared. 

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How do we have Fresh, Grass fed Milk in Winter? A Peek Behind the Scenes..

In the winter, the pasture grasses are dormant & no longer produce the energy dairy cows need to produce fresh milk every day.🌾

We realized if we want to have fresh milk even in the winter months, we will have to somehow produce 'green energy' to keep the cows in optimal condition.

And that's where this awesomeness comes in.

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What you need to Know about The War Against Raw Milk and the Avian Bird Flu

We believe that these warnings against raw milk related to avian bird flu are part of the war against raw milk.😏

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Wichita Delivery Spots Open Now

Everything about the way the delivery service is set up is so efficient and easy to use.

I really cannot express how much this has increased the quality of my life!” ~Dani

Want to increase your quality of life? You can!

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Homemade Ice Cream Recipe! So Yummy and Creamy!

Your ice cream is the best!

I try to stop with just a cup per evening, but last night I kept taking 'one more bite' and before I knew it the whole quart was almost gone!

I tell everyone I know about your ice cream! -Andy; Borntrager Dairy Customer

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Delivery to your door?!! Yes! Wichita-area!

Have you ever had the thought, “How awesome it would be to have raw milk & cheese delivered to my door”?? 🚗💨
Yes! We will deliver fresh milk to your door every Tuesday morning for the next 12 weeks!

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Weekly Dairy Delivery Info

Raw Milk Delivery service to Wichita…

Need more white space in your calendar?? We are so excited to help you get healthier food for your family in an easy and convenient way!!💃🏻

Read here to sign up for the delivery route. 🚗💨

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Improving Your Children’s Lives with Raw Milk

“My infant son has been on the Weston Price Raw Milk Formula & is thriving after having stomach issues on store-bought formula. Thank You so much for your raw milk! It means so much to my family!” — Heather; Borntrager Dairy Customer

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