Heard all the benefits and still a little scared of Raw Milk?


“I’m scared of raw milk,” my farm store friend confided.

“I’ve read all the benefits and I’m still fearful.”

My heart wanted to hug the dear mother.

She truly wants the best for her children and thought for many years: Almond milk is the best.

And now her research is leading her to raw cow’s milk, thus she is at my farm store.

And she’s nervous.

Nervous her children won’t respond well.

Nervous they won’t like it.

Nervous because she's always told her children almond milk is the Best.

If this is you, you are in the right place. Many, many moms start out scared. 

I’m here to tell you, it’s ok to be scared. All new things scare us.

I was scared to wean my first child, cause it seemed all the available food was bad in some way. I wished I could breastfeed her forever. 🤪

But I weaned her anyway. And she thrived.

I encourage you to give Real milk a try!

The benefits are amazing. Trust me. 🥰

I have pages of testimonies from customers whose lives have been changed.

Switch out your almond milk for a month and see how you feel. You will feel amazing. Your body will thank you.

Many, many customers have testified to this.

Diet can strangely be a tough topic of conversation. What we choose to put in our body is a personal choice.

And once we’ve made those choices, it’s often hard to break those strong convictions. 

Maybe you told your children that almond milk is the only milk they should have.

And now they don’t want to make the switch. 

Telling our children us parents make mistakes can be a very beneficial conversation to have.

And then following with:

Honey, as we learn of healthier eating habits we adjust our food accordingly.

Recently, one of our customer’s shared this exact scenario…

“But Uncle Matt, you told me almond milk was the Best milk.

You said I shouldn’t drink any other milk,” said the sweet little niece.

“Sweetheart, I told you wrong. I didn’t know the health benefits of Real milk. Real cow’s milk is the real deal.

You need to drink this amazing stuff!” Matt replied. “It’s the best!”

Telling our children we make mistakes, let’s them know it’s ok for them to make mistakes.

And then showing them how to change our mistakes is a beautiful life lesson.

Not sure how to make the change?

Several suggestions to introduce real cow’s milk into your family’s meals:

  • Greek yogurt! A child fav!

  • Adding it into their favorite fruit smoothies.

  • Chocolate milk. Adding in cacao powder (or cocoa powder) and raw honey delights many children.

  • Coffee drinks. We have a popular Cold Brew coffee drink.

  • Ice cream. This is a fun family activity.

  • Doing half and half with almond milk for a week or so and slowly switching to all cow’s milk.

Whichever way you choose, be sure to make it fun and exciting! 💃🏻 Children love exciting changes!

Grab our Real cow’s milk and tell them, “We are on an adventure that will change our lives!” 🥰

Cheering you on!🥳


Borntrager Dairy

Come and Purchase Real Milk at our On-Farm Store:

Monday: 1-6

Tuesday: 1-6

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 1-6

Friday: 1-6

Saturday: 10-4

Sunday: Closed

For more Testimonies, Read these blogs:

Allergies: https://borntragerdairy.com/new-blog/2023/10/27/farm-tours-allergies-amp-raw-milk

Fussy Baby: https://borntragerdairy.com/new-blog/2024/1/9/fussy-baby-let-me-help-yogurt-to-the-rescue

Strong bone issues: https://borntragerdairy.com/new-blog/2023/8/25/bone-health-issues-raw-milk-for-the-win

Infertility: https://borntragerdairy.com/new-blog/2023/3/20/infertility-done-trying-all-the-things-raw-grass-fed-milk-to-the-rescue

Baby formula: https://borntragerdairy.com/new-blog/2022/5/13/no-infant-formula-raw-milk-formula-to-the-rescue

Have a Friend who’s interested?

Forward this blog to her! We would love to stock her fridge with REAL Milk!

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