What you need to Know about The War Against Raw Milk and the Avian Bird Flu


Scared of the bird flu coming to our dairy cows?

You’re not alone. I’ve gotten this question from several customers recently.

Let me ease your fears. 🤗

And debunk this scare tactic.

Raw Milk War🥛

According to Weston A.Price Foundation, the percentage of people adding raw milk to their diets is growing exponentially every year.

If people are getting healed and using Real Milk as their medicine… who’s benefitting? 

  • The people drinking it.

  • The farmers.

  • The next generation.

Who is not benefitting?

  • Big Pharma.

  • Big Dairy.

  • Big Ag.

  • Health Industry.

Enter in Avian Bird Flu.

“Various Federal and state government agencies are using this cow illness outbreak as a stage to warn consumers against drinking raw milk.” Mark McAfee; president of the Raw Milk Institute

Sigh. 😌

The raw milk war continues.

Ok, so let’s break this down.

Natural Antibodies

First of all, the cows that have been reported to have it, have had very mild flu-like symptoms & recovered in a few days.

Secondly, God created mammals to protect their young. 🙌🏻

When a mother becomes infected by a virus or bacterial infection, her body will produce antibodies in her raw milk to protect her young from the illness.🤍

This is how God designed the survival & strength of the next generation.

For instance, if you as a breastfeeding mother get the stomach flu or have a cold or sore throat, are you going to stop nursing your child? 🤔


Even the CDC acknowledges that mothers should continue to breastfeed; “flu is not spread to infants through breastmilk.”

They understand that breastmilk contains “antibodies that can help protect her infant from flu”. 🙌🏻

We believe that these warnings against raw milk related to avian bird flu are part of the war against raw milk.😏

The FDA admitted, “there is limited information available about the transmission of bird flu in raw, unpasteurized milk”.

Farmer to Consumer Legal Defense Fund

We are members of this great organization that has helped many raw milk producers. We highly value their input.

In a statement this past week they shared their thoughts:

“FTCLDF wishes to strongly emphasize for dairy producers and consumers that it is our understanding, at this time, that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that humans can contract the virus from drinking the raw milk of an infected animal.”

Life-giving Product

Here at Borntrager Dairy, we take a common sense approach. 

Every day we observe our herd several times a day as we move them from pasture to pasture and bring them in for milking. 🌱🐄

Producing an amazing, life-giving product is our goal. 🥛😋

Our family including our children drink and eat all our dairy products every day. 

My testimonials from our customers provide tons of evidence that raw milk can be carefully produced and can be a life-giving superfood.

Cow milk is uniquely designed by our amazing Creator to protect and strengthen our immune system. 

This divine system will continue even as new threats on this ‘war against raw milk’ arise.

Of course, we have to do our part in providing our cows with the best nutrition & their natural diet… grasses.🌱

Have you had your glass of creamy, life-giving, immune-building, eczema-curing, gut-healing, delicious raw milk today?

I know a source. 😉

See you in the Farm Store.


P.S. Our Farm Store Hours:

Monday: 1-6

Tuesday: 1-6

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 1-6

Friday: 1-6

Saturday: 10-4

Sunday: Closed

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