Borntrager Dairy

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Improving Your Children’s Lives with Raw Milk

Hi there!

“Is raw milk safe for my children?

This is a question, I’m often asked...😍

...and is dear to my heart!❤️

Cause, after all, we are raising our own family!👧🏻👦🏻👶🏻

And I have a passion for children (yours included!) to live life to their fullest!💃

Here are 3 ways Raw Milk has helped mamas to improve their children’s lives!

Baby Formula👶

Did you know… many infants who aren’t able to breastfeed do very well on the Weston Price Infant Formula made from… yep, you guessed it!

Grass-Fed Raw milk!🥛😋 Many mothers who are desperate for their little ones to have happy tummies are so excited when they realize there is hope!

A grateful mother:

“My infant son has been on the Weston Price Raw Milk Formula & is thriving after having stomach issues on store-bought formula. Thank You so much for your raw milk! It means so much to my family!”  — Heather; Borntrager Dairy Customer

Are you looking for help? Or have a friend who could use this? Please print it off & try it! Lots of mamas have had great success!

Print Your Baby Formula Recipe Here!!

Raw Milk Allergy

And another happy mama:

“My little girl has a milk allergy & can drink your grass-fed raw milk with no issues at all! So grateful we found you! -Cassidy; Borntrager Dairy Customer


And yes, since we are talking about children, fertility is a big part of having children! Did you know raw milk (grass-fed) has helped couples realize their dreams of becoming parents?  🤰

This was one excited couples’ words: 

“Just wanted to tell you that the raw milk worked!! After being told raw milk will help us & to drink lots of it… we are PREGNANT!!! In only a few short weeks! After trying for months to conceive! We are so excited!” -Emily; Borntrager Dairy Customer 

In case you are wondering… raw milk contains naturally occurring hormones that are beneficial in helping to conceive.

You can read more benefits of raw milk for children here!

Happy Mother’s Day!

With Mother’s Day this weekend, I want to thank each of you mothers for all you are doing for you & your children!! Because of you & the choices you are making your children will benefit for years to come! Thanks for investing in healthy food choices so they can live life to the fullest!

You are seen!

It does make a difference in their lives, I get to hear the stories of healing… & I’m so grateful God has allowed me to be a part of this!

Thanks for making the effort to secure raw milk for your loved ones. With your support, we can continue to produce raw milk for your families & ours for years to come!

Happy Mother’s Day!💐

With Love,


P.S. Please forward this to your friends who have young children!🥰