“Ugh! Mom, I don’t want to!”
“I can’t.”
“Mom, I’m tired…” at 10:00 in the morning.
Sound Familiar?
Does your child have a difficult time concentrating? Is he grumpy a lot? Tired all the time?
You might try sending them to bed earlier so they get their sleep. That doesn’t resolve it.
You spend extra time with them trying to help them.
As the problem continues, us moms become frustrated & we worry our child is not going to turn out ok.
We might take them to the doctor. The doctor prescribes them with a pill to ‘fix’ it.
The ‘fix’ never comes. Only more issues, that now need more pills to fix the issues.
In desperation you start researching.
Somewhere along the line you start questioning food choices…
And a whole new world opens to you.
And you realize the answer was in front of you all the time!
Food makes all the difference in our bodies.. physical, social, emotional, spiritual.
There’s many foods we could discuss… today I want to touch on fats.
‘The Secret to Health is… Animal Fats.’
~Sally Fallon Morell; Wise Traditions Conference
Fats. Grass-fed Butter in particular.
Our a-mazing butter is available in salted or unsalted.
‘The natural state of a human being is to feel ‘high’ all the time… this can only come from healthy animal fats.’ ~Sally Fallon Morell.
‘We need to have lots of compassion for people on drugs. All they want is to feel normal aka nourished.’
What does nourished mean?
Your body is operating at its fullest capacity because you are giving it all the nutrition it needs.
You are able to do a full day of work and be happy.
If hard things come your way you are able to process it and continue your life.
Healthy animal fats feed your brain.
If your brain is nourished, your whole perspective on life shifts.
You become happy, you have energy, a full day of work is no longer difficult.
Sadly, most people are starving from not having enough fats in their diet to fuel their busy lifestyles.
How do Animal Fats work?
In a nutshell, fats are needed to make the vitamins & minerals available for our body to utilize.
Without them our body can’t reap all the benefits from our healthy foods we are eating.
Think of fats being the delivery van for your vitamins & minerals from the foods you eat.
We need animal fats to make the vitamins from our vegetables available.
We need the animal fat (cream) in milk to make the minerals & calcium in the milk available for our bodies to use. (Important to leave the cream on your milk! Shake the milk to distribute the cream before drinking.)
We need to have fat with our meats so our bodies can digest our proteins (meats). Tip: You will be able to eat less protein if you have lots of fat in your diet.
Raw Grassfed Butter
Slathering your piece of sourdough toast in the morning with a heap of butter will definitely get your day off to a good start.
Sally Fallon Morell suggests everyone have at least 4 Tbsp. of raw grassfed butter daily. Our brains especially need it.
After several days of adding butter to your diet you’ll notice brain fog disappearing, memory is much better, energy restored, and overall good health is returning.
Many mamas have noticed a difference in their children calming down when they make a habit of giving their children a big portion of grassfed butter!
Our brains are mostly made of fat thus little children especially need animal fats while they are growing. Healthy brain growth comes from eating lots of animal fats on a regular basis.
Next time your children are grumpy or are having a difficult time studying, give them a hefty dose of grassfed butter on delicious sourdough bread.
It’s quite possibly what their brains are begging for!
Another great way to get butter into your diet is drizzling it on your cooked veggies or on your steaks and pork chops before serving.
I have added raw butter into smoothies as well. Tip: Butter mixes in the easiest when it’s at room temperature.
A friend of mine sent me a pic of her 4 yr. old son eating our raw butter out of the container. “It’s soo good, Mom!”
Yes, even young children know what their bodies need.
Where does a person get this amazing butter?
Here at Borntrager Dairy we are delighted to produce this incredible goodness for You!
Our cows happily chomp our grasses in the warm months of the year to produce some of the yummiest milk… and the healthiest cream.
We take the milk & run it thru our old-fashioned separator. After we have the cream separated, we will churn the cream into butter.
After it turns into butter, we strain the buttermilk off of it, and wash it multiple times until all the buttermilk is out of it.
Then we package it for our store shelves ready for you to purchase for your family.
Fun Fact:
It takes around 3 gallons of milk to make 1 qt. of cream. 1 qt. of cream will make approximately 1 pound of butter.
We freeze our butter for longer shelf life. You can thaw & keep it in your fridge for 2-3 weeks.
Is it safe to leave it on the counter?
No, I don’t recommend it.
I’ll often pull it out of my fridge first thing in the morning, we use it for breakfast and lunch and then I’ll refrigerate it again.
I’ll pull it out again when I start dinner. And then keep it in the fridge overnight.
If it becomes sour, you can still bake with it.
Ready to incorporate this incredible Nourishing Fat into your diet?
Come to our Farm Store to purchase this gold.
The shelves are stocked.
Your body is craving it. Listen.
Cheers to Raw Butter,
~ Arlene💕
See you in the Farm Store!
Monday: 1:00-6:00
Tuesday: 1:00-6:00
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 1:00-6:00
Friday: 1:00-6:00
Saturday: 10:00-4:00
Sunday: Closed
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