Hi there!
How do you keep your children & yourself healthy thru the winter months??🧐
Keep reading for one of my tips!
Cold weather has arrived...
Brrrrr…. What happened to our beautiful fall weather??🍂
Get out all the thick coats, gloves, & hats… winter is here!!
For a bit anyway… hopefully, we will get a few more fall days! I’m one of those who would love 70-80 degrees all year long!😎
And with the cold comes less sunny days… which means less vitamin D.
It seems it’s always a bit tougher to keep immune systems up during the winter months & I believe it has a lot to do with less sunshine & perhaps… tooo much sugar from all the holidays!🍫🧁🍰
Elderberry Syrup
Last week one of mine, started with a cough & I knew it was time to make my elderberry syrup! I like to have this on hand all winter long & give everyone a dose every morning at the breakfast table. It really has helped the past several years!
What does my elderberry syrup consist of??🧐
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Elderberry is known for its many antioxidants that are required to maintain the health of our body cells!
It has lots of amazing benefits;
My favorite is... by taking it regularly, it elevates the immune system to where your body readily fights off all the bad guys trying to invade you or your loved ones!!
Echinacea tea w/ lots of other amazing ingredients mixed in the tea...
... is another great way to boost immune systems & has long been known as a cold & flu remedy.
Local raw honey
...is nature’s best-kept secret!!🐝
Honey will help with allergies & also boost the immune system. 🍯😋 Read more here!
I highly recommend getting local honey as the bees🐝 gather nectar from your local plants 🌾🌻& turn it into honey.
You enjoy the yumminess + get natural immunity from all your allergy-causing plants!!! Liquid gold...??😍
Apple Cider Vinegar
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is awesome for gut/stomach issues & also boosts the immune response.
So after reading all that… are you ready to make your own elderberry syrup??
This is where it gets exciting!! 💃
We’ve decided to carry ‘berry-licious tonic’ kits!!
We had so much fun getting everything together & making the kits for you!
They are waiting in the farm store just for you! You can order them here!
What is in the kit?
All the ingredients in one complete package + the FREE recipe!
And a FREE BONUS of cute little labels my daughter Melissa designed!
Annnd… here’s a how-to video, just in case you need it!!
You can order your DIY kit here in our online store. (Pickup is at the farmstore.)
This is super simple to make!
And no more worrying about your children getting sick!🙌
This has truly made a big difference in my own children. I hate to be without it! And when we travel, I always take it along!
It takes only a few minutes to start the tea & the elderberries, then you let it sit for a while before you come back & finish it up.
Finishing it up takes maybe 15 minutes;...unless of course you’re wanting to make a video with it & Mr. Toddler decides this is the time he REALLY needs Mom to play with him!! ...true story! 😉
Feel free to adjust it to your family’s taste buds; add more honey or less… more vinegar or less.
I personally make it according to the recipe (shock)... very unlike me!
I make a batch several times a winter & keep it in the fridge. It keeps at least 6 months if kept in the refrigerator.
Order your kit today! 😍
Here’s the recipe:
Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe Makes 3.5 qt.
4 cup boiling water
16 Echinacea tea bags
4 cup Borntrager Dairy’s Raw Honey
½ lb. dried elderberries
8 cups of water
1 cup Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Step 1: Add tea bags to the boiling water and cover. Allow steeping until slightly warm, 30 minutes, or more.
Step 2: While tea bags are steeping, place 8 cups of water and dried elderberries in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then lower temperature and cover so that it remains at a gentle simmer. Allow it to simmer together for at least 30 minutes. Berries should be soft and easily mashed.
Step 3: Remove tea bags, squeeze, and set strong tea aside.
Step 4: Once berries have finished simmering, remove from heat and allow to cool. After cooling, pour the juice through a fine-mesh strainer into a wide-mouthed gallon jar. Use a spatula to move berry pulp around, making sure every last bit of the juice is extracted.
Step 6: Add tea mixture to gallon jar of elderberry juice. Add honey (gently warmed to make pourable, if necessary) and then 1 cup apple cider vinegar. Stir well!
Shake well before serving. Can be stored in glass bottles for easier serving or kept in quart jars. It will keep refrigerated for up to 6 months.
Keep stored in the refrigerator. Not recommended for babies less than a year old.
Adults: Take 1 tablespoon as often as needed
Children 4 years old and older: 1 tsp. As often as needed
For children 1 to 4 yrs. old: ½ tsp.
Order your kit today & enjoy making it for your family! And let me know what you think!! 😋
👉👉 Please share this with any mom friends who have littles!!
We are all in this together! 🥰
Stay Healthy!
Order your Berry-Licious Tonic kits here… with pickup at the farm store! 😋
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