Tired of snacking all morning?? Tired of constantly having children begging for food??😏
I’ve been there!💁♀️
A few years ago, I realized that it doesn’t happen very often anymore!!
That was my question!🧐
It didn’t change overnight, so I didn’t make the connection… until... we traveled one weekend!🚗
That weekend, I realized how important healthy proteins & fats are...
“Be sure to ask your farmer how your eggs are raised! 👩🌾”
A little story on how eggs raised on pastures are loaded with proteins...🌱🌾
We were at a family wedding in another state and we stopped at a nice motel on the way home.
The next morning we went to eat at the motel's breakfast bar & several of us got the 2-egg omelet they served. They were good.🍳
I went back for more… & ate 2 more of those omelets!!
It didn’t occur to me until later that day how much I had eaten!
The eggs had looked and tasted ok, but didn't satisfy my hunger!!
At home, I'll eat 2 eggs fried in Borntrager Dairy’s pork lard & be filled till lunch!🍳🍳
I had always heard pastured eggs were higher in protein, & now I had experienced it first hand!
Sooo, tomorrow...😍
Try eating eggs raised on pasture & fried in pork lard + some sourdough bread/toast slathered with raw butter! 🍞😋
Or boil a dozen eggs & eat a couple hard-boiled eggs on the run! A great way to get healthy proteins in your children!
And see, if you don’t notice a difference in your energy levels!😍🤸♀️
… & after a while you will notice the need for midmorning snacking is gone!!
As a Homeschooling mom who needs energy & doesn’t have a lot of extra time to keep up with my kiddos this is Important to me!! 💃
Eggs produced on pastures are a superfood!
A bit more info on eggs raised on pastures...
These eggs are also loaded with vitamins… a SUPERFOOD!💯
The essential vitamins A & D will not be in eggs unless the chickens are on pasture in the sunlight eating green grass.
The deep, dark orange yolks are high in vitamins!! Only chickens foraging on pastures will have this color!
The deeper & darker orange colored yolk, the higher the levels of fat-soluble vitamins you will have.
Feel Great about giving these superfoods to your children!!
Also, the naturally occurring Vitamin D protects your skin from sun damage & supports healthy vision.🌞😮Yes!! I’ll take that!!
Our eggs produced on pastures have No Soy in their diet!👏
Wendall getting ready to feed the chickens!
Soy depletes the vitamin D a chicken naturally stores
Soy-free eggs have 6 x higher vitamin D levels
Children are negatively affected by consuming soy-fed eggs; allergies, premature sexual development, etc.
Most all soy in the U.S. is GMO.
Nearly all commercial chicken feed has soy mixed in!
Where do I get pastured eggs?
Here at Borntrager Dairy, we sell pastured eggs.
We have a "chicken tractor" out in the pasture.
We run the milk cows🐄 over the pasture, & then we bring the chickens🐓 behind them, they love eating all the bugs, insects, etc.🦗🦟🐛
We grind our own supplemental feed made with grain we feel confident has been organically raised. 🌾
No GMO's or soy is added.
And as always:
Regardless, if you buy your pastured eggs at our farm store or someone else, please be sure to ask the farmer how they are raised! 👩🌾
Have you tried our pasture raised eggs?😋
You can order them here! 🍳
Happy Eating!
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