Last night the sound of thunder rumbled across the sky. It was a most amazing sound.
Our God is mighty.
We stood outside in wonder as the first drops came down and praised Jesus for sending relief.
The heat rose from the ground. What a welcome sight.
The smell of rain was heavenly.
It didn’t amount to much but it was enough to give us the courage to keep going again.
Thank you for partnering in prayer with us. Please continue. 🙏🏻
At the moment our pastures are suffering from the lack of rain so we are sourcing organic hay from area farmers to feed our cows & calves. We are so grateful to have this resource.
“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” Psalm 91:2
He will Provide.
Homeschooling and Creamy Maple Cold Brew
When farming gets hard, we as a family tend to focus on other things that seem more appealing.☺️
And this time, you benefit. 🥰
A new product hit the shelf.
So excited about this one! You will love it.
Creamy Maple Cold Brew.
YES!! A coffee drink with our grassfed raw milk & cream!🥳
Just in time for you, Mama, as you put your children back into school.
We all need those fun things to help us transition from the summer schedule back into the fall school schedule. 🥰
And if you homeschool like we do, there’s always that moment in your day, when you need a pick-me-up.
“Pro Tip: I’m learning to schedule these moments & take the necessary steps to prevent burnout.. it truly helps!”