Pecan-Crusted Chicken Thighs with a Mouthwatering Sauce! A Family Fav!
It is very, very simple.
If you’re new to cooking, try this recipe! Your family will be so impressed.
And you’ll feel fulfilled, knowing you were able to feed your family a yummy & creamy, plus healthy! chicken dinner.
Read more2024 Happenings on the Farm & in the Family!
This stage in our family life is soo fun and yet leaves Loyd & I grappling daily with trying to manage to keep up with our tribe. The youthful energy is awesome and I wish my brain could help utilize it all as I fear our house quite possibly groans each morning as she hears those first footsteps thundering down the stairs…
Read moreHow do we have Fresh, Grass fed Milk in Winter? A Peek Behind the Scenes..
In the winter, the pasture grasses are dormant & no longer produce the energy dairy cows need to produce fresh milk every day.🌾
We realized if we want to have fresh milk even in the winter months, we will have to somehow produce 'green energy' to keep the cows in optimal condition.
And that's where this awesomeness comes in.
Read more6 Great Ways to Boost your Immune System!
May I suggest that a healthy immune system is our best defense…😍💃
Be sure to include lots of probiotics into your daily diet. Need suggestions?
Read moreHow to Make Delicious Yogurt in your very own Kitchen!
Wanting to make Yogurt at home?
Not sure where to start?🧐
Let me Help!
Here’s the recipe I used for many years in my own kitchen.
Read moreHeart Attack Testimony! REAL Milk for the Win!
"My Dr. said I would have damage to my heart. Up to 20% of my heart could be damaged.”💔
“Yesterday, we got the results back of the heart cath.”
Read more4 Ground Pork Recipes! Simple & Tasty!
Looking for sausages you can feel good about serving?
Almost all sausages have ingredients in them we don’t want our children to eat. What can a mama do? Here are 4 simple recipes I use all the time with ground pork.
Try them and let me know what you think.
Read moreWhat you need to Know about The War Against Raw Milk and the Avian Bird Flu
We believe that these warnings against raw milk related to avian bird flu are part of the war against raw milk.😏
Read moreTry this Heavenly Mushroom Sauce over Pork Chops for your Father's Day Meal!
We’ve recently started making this mouthwatering mushroom sauce for our steaks, chicken breasts, and pork chops.
My husband literally drools… actually, we all do.
Yes, it is that good. 🤤
Read moreVaccine-Free Beef Is Essential. Get Our Exclusive Bundle Today.
"Do you give mRNA vaccines to your beef?"
These days this is a regular question in my email inbox.
The answer is No.
Our meat is Vaccine-Free.
Read moreInfertility a problem? Exciting News! Real Milk to the Rescue!
Well, we found out a few days ago that I am pregnant! After trying for over a year!” … after a few short weeks on your dairy! -Emily
Read moreBone Broth! It's Amazing.
Bone broths are extremely nutritious, containing the minerals of bone, cartilage, marrow, & vegetables. Loaded in electrolytes and easily digestible.
An amazing tonic for all ailments! 🥳
Keep reading to find out ways to implement broth into your diet!
Read moreEverything is better with Butter!
Food makes all the difference in our bodies.. physical, social, emotional, spiritual.
There’s many foods we could discuss… today I want to touch on fats.
‘The Secret to Health is… Animal Fats.’ ~Sally Fallon Morell
Read moreFussy Baby? Let me Help. Yogurt to the Rescue!
“I love your Greek yogurt!” my friend, Lynette exclaimed.
“I love what it’s doing for my body but even more importantly what it does for my breastfed baby! Whenever I eat your yogurt, his bowels do so much better. No more constipation. And he’s much more content.”
Read moreBits & Pieces of our Journey in 2023
It’s that time of the year when the mistress of this house sits down with pen and paper and writes of all the wonderful happenings and the ‘not so exciting’ happenings of the previous year…
Read more